

Legal Library:


The Legal Library is a specialized support service that works as a single system within the Ministry of Justice (National Registry, Social Adaptation General Office, the  Office of the Attorney General of the Republic, and the United Nations Latin American Institute for the Prevention of Crime and the Treatment of Offenders [ILANUD]), with the capacity to provide support for substantive functions of the institution, such as project research, placement of laws, decrees and resolutions, and employee training.


General objective

Providing employees of the Ministry of Justice (National Registry, Social Adaptation General Office, the Attorney General's Office of the Republic, and ILANUD) specific, pertinent and relevant bibliographic and documentary information, as the basis for drafting, executing and evaluating plans, programs, research efforts and projects that are the responsibility of the Institution.


Bibliographic resources

The Library has a bibliographic collection primarily specialized in subject matters in the following Legal fields:


  Penal Law

  Constitutional Law

  Public and Administrative Law

  Penal Procedural Law

  Penitentiary Law

  Constitutional Law

  Registry Law


The Legal Library has a bibliographic collection entered into the BIJUC, LEY and MISE data bases, to be used as references.


  BIJUC data base

Made up of monographic works (treaties, manuals, dissertations, reference material, reports of conferences and meetings, legislation, vertical file materials, and articles in periodical publications).


  LEY data base

Bibliographic records from La Gaceta official newspaper on laws, decrees, agreements, projects, etc., which are the responsibility of the Institution. It contains legislation promulgated from the second semester of 1987 to the present.


  MISE data base

Made up of national literary works and general material on various subject matters. Most of this collection is of a recreational nature, and it was designed for employees to enjoy reading during their free time. It is currently contained in traditional library card indexes.



The employees of the Ministry of Justice are the principal users of the Legal Library, and can be categorized as follows:


• Internal users: Ministry Office, Minister and Vice-minister, Advisors, Higher-level Management Offices, Executive Office, Administrative Office, Legal Office, Specific Programs of the General Social Adaptation Office, the National Registry, the Office of the Attorney General, and ILANUD.

Internal users in specialized areas such as Law, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Work, Technicians, and others.


• External users: principally university, high school and elementary school students, researchers, other Information Units and the general public.



  Internal users (Institutional)


- Searches for bibliographic information (Library's and external data bases)


-Loans of documents for the room and home.


-Guidance in the use of different materials in the Library, and location of information which the Library does not have, in other Information Units.


-Inter-Library loans.


-Printed products. The following products are within this category: "Boletín de Reseñas de La Gaceta" (Bulletin of Summaries of La Gaceta) and Boletín Judicial (the Judicial Journal), specialized bibliographies which are the result of searches carried out in the Library's data base.


-Electronic dissemination of the "Boletín de Reseñas de La Gaceta" (Bulletin of Summaries of La Gaceta) and alerts on new on bibliographic entries.


-Inquiries in the SINALEVI (the National Current Legislation System)


  External users (students, researchers and others)


-Loan of documents for the room.


-Searches in printed indices.


-References (replies to telephonic and e-mail inquiries).


-Photocopies (the material may be taken out of the building to be photocopied, with previous presentation of an identity card, carnet or other identity document. 


Legal Library

Facilities of the National Registry in Zapote,
Third Floor, Module 1



Service schedule

Monday through Friday from 7:30 a.m. to 4: 00 p.m.

TELEPHONE NUMBERS: (506) 2020-873/ (506) 2281-3179


You may send any questions and/or comments to our electronic mail bjuridica@rnp.go.cr




